Media Project

This assignment taught me about the importance of using creativity to my advantage. It is important to be innovative when working with a client because adaptive equipment may not always be available or affordable for the client. What I have realized is that it is possible to make adaptive devices out of nearly anything with a little ingenuity. I am not a traditionally creative or crafty person, and often feel out of my comfort zone when in this position. What I have come to realize is that I am capable of creating something out of nothing when it is necessary. During clinical work, I will feel more comfortable making an intervention or an adaptive device because I now know that it is in my tool box of skills. Before this assignment I was intimidated by the thought of creating an original device or intervention for a client as I was unsure that I would be able to think up and implement my own ideals. This assignment has actually made me excited to put my skills to the test in the clinical field. I appreciate assignments that make me think out of the box because I am able to discover that I have more skills than I realize.


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